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Apiture Xpress

Innovating faster with a better banking solution.

Could developing an in-house mobile platform make Apiture more competitive?
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Image of the xpress app on a mobile phone
The Challenge

Apiture relied on a leading third-party to host their mobile platform for customers. This arrangement served their customer base well, but the rise in mobile banking was driving banks of all sizes to learn to innovate quickly. To achieve faster growth and prepare for future demands, Apiture needed to develop an in-house answer.

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The Solution

To best understand the market, Stellar Elements performed a comparative analysis of features among peer competitors in the mobile banking space. This analysis looked at leading digital providers across both retail and commercial banking.

Together with the Apiture team, we identified opportunities to strengthen baseline and niche feature sets to enhance value to the user and to differentiate from the competition.

The Results

The new Apiture Xpress mobile experience solves directly for client ease-of-use in adaptability and analytics, while also delivering a best-in-class experience for every mobile banking user. The platform empowers their clients with faster delivery of new features and more reliable mobile solutions.

The new experience was a cx gap solution for a number of gaps in fintech, including integration and innovation.

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